Weilan is given a Moon Ring and decided to move back to Shanghai to find the Eastern pod.Rikki is considering bringing her friends Emma Gilbert, Cleo Sertori, and Isabella Hartley back to Mako to meet the pod.Mimmi shows Chris that she is a mermaid the same way that Sirena showed David and Emma showing Ash.Zac plans on telling his adoptive parents Rob and Lauren Blakely about his biological mother Nerissa, and therefore the fact he's a merman.Since the dragon curse was already weakening from her maternal love she would have left them alone and Evie wouldn't have lost her transformation. Had Evie not gotten in front of Zac to protect him, Nerissa wouldn't have breathed the spell on her and broken her Metamorphosis curse.This is the final episode of Mako: Island of Secrets.Weilan learns a new detail about the dragon legend that suggests Nerissa is still alive. Sirena reveals her mermaid secret to David in this episode, similar to Emma and later Mimmi in season three.The vision reappears to Mimmi and Zac, this time speaking to them.The girls hold hands when they jump into the grotto pool, which is presumably an allusion to when Bella, Rikki and Cleo jumped into the moon pool in 2010.This is the final appearance of the Merman Chamber.This is the last episode to feature Amy Ruffle and Alex Cubis as Sirena and Erik.This is the only time a main character almost dies on screen.The group joyfully swims out to greet the pod as they return to Mako at last. She makes him and Evie honorary members of the pod and gives Evie her own moon ring.

Veridia meets the group at Rita's grotto and praises Zac for his heroic actions. The next day, Ondina breaks up with Erik and he leaves the Gold Coast in shame. The stone then crumbles, ending the chamber's threat to mermaids for good. The stone restores Zac's power and revives him. Sirena provides the moon ring in which gets the girls legs. They are banished from the island and have to go on land to take away Zac's powers.
#Mako island of secrets season 1 episode 1 full
Desperate to save her beloved brother, Mimmi grabs the stone and places it over Zac's heart. Sirena ( Amy Ruffle ): Sirena and her mermaid friends, Lyla and Nixie are guardian Southern mermaids of Mako Island, One full moon, a local land boy Zac falls into the Moon Pool. He successfully deactivates the chamber and saves the mermaids but seemingly dies in the process, much to the horror of the girls. Evie arrives and helps an injured Zac to his feet. Horrified by what he's done, Erik tries to deactivate the chamber but is unsuccessful. The chamber drains the magic from the moon pool and slowly begins to kill the mermaids except Evie. The girls attempt to destroy the stone with their moon rings, but it merely absorbs their power. Lyla tries everything to get rid of her tail, but nothing works.

She rushes to the cool room of the Ocean Cafe right as she transforms into a mermaid. While trying to get Zac wet, Carly Morgan spills a drink on Lyla.

Frustrated with Nixie and Sirena, Lyla works on catching Zac alone. Zac fights with Erik for the stone, but Erik shakes him off and finally activates the chamber. Lyla Alone is the fourth episode of Season 1 of Mako: Island of Secrets. The girls also race to the chamber to stop Erik. The mermaid pod is forced to leave Mako, leaving behind the three mermaid girls, cast out of the pod. Zac is given a fish-like tail and amazing powers. Sixteen-year-old land-dweller Zac enters the Moon Pool and forms a special connection with Mako. Zac later musters up the courage and follows Erik to the chamber to try and stop him. But on the night of a full moon, the mischievous mermaid girls neglect their duties. A now powerless Zac has seemingly given up despite encouragement from Mimmi, Evie, and Cam. With the full moon approaching, Ondina tries to warn Erik not to activate the merman chamber, but Erik refuses to listen even to her. Zac risks his life to shut it down and restore the mermaids' magic. The chamber's true purpose is revealed: to drain the magic from all mermaids.